
This academy is designed to give you the tools, strategies, and data you need to innovate and make changes in your workplace or organization.

Generational understanding and development is no longer a superfluous topic. Companies and organizations that invest in this area are pulling ahead of the rest, and staying there. Putting the focus on your teams pays off big time. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to boost your success and make waves.

Why you need GenerationWhat? Academy right now:

A Note from the Founder

I am thrilled that you’re here.

Because it means you care about generations, and hopefully understand how crucial intergenerational connection and understanding is to our entire WORLD.

I started GenerationWhat? Academy because I’ve seen firsthand the result of not caring about generational differences and preferences. I run a national nonprofit organization called DreamCatchers, and work across generations daily. If we’re not putting our time into understanding our people, we have nothing.

I’ve spoken to lots of companies, organizations, and all sorts of teams over the past 4 years since beginning my journey into the generational world and have compiled SO MUCH great information that has helped them all succeed and push past their expectations. Generational unity is the result of the simplest, yet often ignored, pillar of leadership: CARING ABOUT YOUR PEOPLE.

I can’t wait to take this journey with you. You’re going to be seeing some big changes once you start your GenerationWhat? Academy courses, and you’re going to be blown away. But, you have to put in the work. So let’s get started.

Why the Name?

GenerationWhat? began as a Youtube channel (which still exists!) that Caitlin started to help educate people about different aspects of the 5 generations in the workplace now. Each generation is so different, so it presented a way to turn “WHAT?”‘s into “Ohhhhhh”‘s, if that makes sense.